08:42duration 8 minutes 42 seconds
Ch 27 VI - Female Anatomy
Ch 27 objectives 12-13.
07:34duration 7 minutes 34 seconds
Ch 25 IX - Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra
Ch 25 objectives 18-19.
07:01duration 7 minutes 1 second
Ch 23 VIII - Small Intestine
Ch 23 objectives 17-18.
17:53duration 17 minutes 53 seconds
Ch 23 V - Stomach Anatomy
Ch 23 objectives 11-13.
20:20duration 20 minutes 20 seconds
Ch 23 I - Intro to the Digestive System
Ch 23 objectives 1-5.
06:35duration 6 minutes 35 seconds
Ch 22 IV - Respiratory Pressures
Ch 22 objective 14.