08:24duration 8 minutes 24 seconds
Ch 27 VII - Ovaries
Ch 27 objective 14.
08:05duration 8 minutes 5 seconds
Ch 26 IX - Bicarbonate Generation and Secretion
Ch 26 objectives 21-22.
07:01duration 7 minutes 1 second
Ch 23 VIII - Small Intestine
Ch 23 objectives 17-18.
17:36duration 17 minutes 36 seconds
Ch 22 IX - External and Internal Respiration
Ch 22 objectives 23-25.
12:53duration 12 minutes 53 seconds
Ch 22 III - Respiratory Zone
Ch 22 objectives 10-13.
10:58duration 10 minutes 58 seconds
Ch 21 IX - Big Picture
Ch 21 objectives 12-34.
11:48duration 11 minutes 48 seconds
Ch 21 VII - T Cell Activation
Ch 21 objective 31.
15:00duration 15 minutes 0 seconds
Ch 21 VI - MHC Molecules
Ch 21 objectives 29-30.
15:24duration 15 minutes 24 seconds
Ch 21 V - Antibodies
Ch 21 objectives 26-28.
18:47duration 18 minutes 47 seconds
Ch 21 IV - Humoral Response
17:34duration 17 minutes 34 seconds
Ch 21 III - Cells of the Adaptive Immune System
Ch 21 objectives 20-22.
22:18duration 22 minutes 18 seconds
Ch 21 II - Intro to the Adaptive Immune Response
Covers Ch 20 and 21 objectives 18 and 19.
29:08duration 29 minutes 8 seconds
Ch 21 I - Innate Immune Response
Covers Ch 20 and 21 objectives 12-17.
23:20duration 23 minutes 20 seconds
Chapter 18 - Heart Anatomy
Chapter 18 objectives 1-7.
21:41duration 21 minutes 41 seconds
Blood IX - Blood Types
Chapter 17 Objectives 24-25.