05:15duration 5 minutes 15 seconds
Ch 27 XI - Estrogen and Sexual Response
Ch 27 objective 19.
10:00duration 10 minutes 0 seconds
Ch 27 VIII - The Uterus
Ch 27 objective 16.
09:35duration 9 minutes 35 seconds
Ch 24 XIII - Control of Post-Absorptive State
Ch 24 objective 16b.
10:17duration 10 minutes 17 seconds
Ch 24 XI - Absorptive State
Ch 24 objective 16.
06:35duration 6 minutes 35 seconds
Ch 23 II - Histology of the Digestive Tract
Ch 23 objective 6.
15:24duration 15 minutes 24 seconds
Ch 22 XI - Carbon Dioxide Transport
Ch 22 objectives 28-29.
20:53duration 20 minutes 53 seconds
Ch 22 X - Oxygen Transport
Ch 22 objectives 26-27.
29:08duration 29 minutes 8 seconds
Ch 21 I - Innate Immune Response
Covers Ch 20 and 21 objectives 12-17.
25:11duration 25 minutes 11 seconds
CH 20 II - Lymphatic Organs
Ch 20 and 21 objectives 5-11.
20:30duration 20 minutes 30 seconds
Ch 19 V - Tissue Perfusion
Ch 19 objectives 17-19.
21:26duration 21 minutes 26 seconds
Blood VII - Hemostasis
Chapter 17 objectives 20-21.
21:47duration 21 minutes 47 seconds
Blood I - Intro to Blood and Plasma
Chapter 17 objectives 1-3.