06:35duration 6 minutes 35 seconds
Ch 23 II - Histology of the Digestive Tract
Ch 23 objective 6.
25:11duration 25 minutes 11 seconds
CH 20 II - Lymphatic Organs
Ch 20 and 21 objectives 5-11.
15:03duration 15 minutes 3 seconds
Ch 20 I - Lymphatic Vessels
Ch 20 and 21 objectives 1-4.
14:56duration 14 minutes 56 seconds
Ch 19 VI - Capillary Fluid Dynamics
Ch 19 objectives 20-21.
27:50duration 27 minutes 50 seconds
Ch 19 I - BV Anatomy
Ch 19 objectives 1-6.
23:20duration 23 minutes 20 seconds
Chapter 18 - Heart Anatomy
Chapter 18 objectives 1-7.
18:52duration 18 minutes 52 seconds
Blood V - Leukocytes
Chapter 17 objectives 13-16.